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Heel Pain Specialist

Foot & Ankle Center of Ocala

Robert F Linn, DPM

Podiatrist & Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgery & Lower Extremity Trauma located in West End of the Jasmine Plaza, Ocala, FL

If you regularly experience heel pain and it doesn’t respond to conservative treatments like rest, ice, or elevation, don’t wait to seek professional help. At Foot & Ankle Center of Ocala, podiatrist Robert Linn Jr., DPM, uses various treatments to effectively manage and relieve heel pain in people of all ages. To schedule an appointment at the Ocala, Florida, practice, book online, or call the office to speak with a team member today.

Heel Pain Q & A

What is heel pain?

Heel pain refers to any swelling, tenderness, or irritation that affects the area at the back of your foot just below the ankle. It varies from person to person. 

For some, heel pain is a minor annoyance that responds to over-the-counter medication; for others, it’s debilitating, making it difficult to exercise or go to work. 

What causes heel pain?

Heel pain occurs for various reasons, but it’s usually the result of an underlying problem like:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Sprains or strains
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Fractures
  • Sports injuries

You might also experience heel pain due to arthritis, a group of more than 100 degenerative conditions that affect the joints. 

Should I visit the doctor if I experience heel pain?

Most instances of heel pain respond well to conservative at-home measures. If your pain persists for more than two or three weeks, it’s important to seek professional help. 

In addition, call Dr. Linn immediately if your heel pain is severe, occurs suddenly, or prevents you from walking.

How is heel pain diagnosed?

To diagnose heel pain, Dr. Linn asks about your symptoms and lifestyle, reviews your medical history, and physically examines your heel. During the exam, he gently presses on the bottom of your foot to pinpoint areas of warmth, tenderness, or swelling. He might also ask you to walk around the exam room or perform a series of easy exercises to observe your posture and gait.

If these measures aren’t enough to determine the source of your pain, Dr. Linn orders diagnostic imaging like X-rays or an MRI. These tools provide detailed photographs of the bones, joints, and soft tissues in your feet. 

How is heel pain treated?

Treatment for heel pain depends on the underlying cause and intensity of your symptoms. Usually, Dr. Linn recommends conservative treatments like getting plenty of rest, wearing comfortable shoes, or using heel lifts or inserts to minimize pain.

If these measures don’t provide adequate relief, you might benefit from custom orthotics or physical therapy. In very rare cases, Dr. Linn might recommend surgery, but only as a last resort.

To receive treatment for heel pain, request a consultation at Foot & Ankle Center of Ocala. Book online, or call the office to speak with a team member today.